
Simple days, Simple bags.


A simple bag yet the story behind it is not that simple.


Are you worried about the earth? As people become more and more concerned about environmental issues, the desire to do something for the earth also gives birth to many environmental solutions. After being influenced by these solutions, we all want to keep up with the pace and do our best.


In recent years, countries around the world have also implemented many plastic reduction policies, which have set off a wave of eco-friendly products internationally. From shopping bags, straws to drink cups, the new wave also sparked a shopping desire. With a dazzling array of materials, styles and storage methods, it seems to meet various needs, but in the process of purchasing, have you ever examined the source of the product?


The transformation of surplus materials has always been a direction of concern for sustainable design. The tē-á reusable bag from Kaohsiung, Taiwan, derived from the Minnan pronunciation of “tē-á”, hopes to promote its sustainable concept with minimalism. With a simple packaging, it also has a light, functional and foldable design, conveying the proper mindset for environmental protection. After all, “simple” and “easy to use” may already be the best environmental protection solution!


The raw materials for making simple bags are all from the surplus fabrics of market transactions. When developing fabrics, we often have to shuttle between warehouses of fabric merchants, factories and other places to find the most suitable surplus fabrics that are highly functional. And with a classic and easy-to-use style, we design our bags (which come in 6 sizes U1-U5, MiniTote) that meet various usage scenarios. 

But due to the limited quantity of surplus fabric, each time a new color is launched, it can only be issued in limited quantities. And when using surplus fabrics to make products, it will also have different details such as thickness, texture, softness and hardness of the fabric. So we discuss the adjustments with the factory to come up with the same style. However, with the different details of each batch of fabrics, it also provides consumers with information that they can know when purchasing.

In addition to finding suitable materials for production and sales, tē-á is also committed to promoting recycling. They propose the “good bag cycle” plan.When you no longer use your tē-á bag, you can give it back to us for recycling and get recycling benefits. And the recycled bags will be put into the second-hand market after being tidied-up, allowing resources to continue to circulate.

We have daily needs for bags, whether it is for work or school, meal time or shopping. Indeed, everyone has a need for tē-á in their lives for various situations. Each person has a preference so the user may choose the fabric and the design of their bag according to their preferences. Our bags are guaranteed to be the most suitable and sustainable products for all ages. I hope everyone can find the bag style that best suits them.











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